Phone App Check-ins
You will use an app called m-Path for collecting saliva and receiving daily surveys. This video will describe how to download and use the app.
If you normally have your phone on vibrate, it might help to turn your phone to “ring” throughout the study. Make sure the volume is set to a level you’ll hear.
You might not be responding quickly enough to the notifications. The check-ins are only available for a short time after the first notification. It is important that you complete the check-ins as soon as possible so you can get credit for this part of the study. Please be safe, do not complete notifications while driving.
No, unfortunately we cannot re-send check-ins through the app. It’s okay to miss a few check-ins; we don’t expect anyone to be perfect, but we do ask you to keep at least a 75% response rate throughout the 2-week study period.
Contact us.
915 N Tyndall Ave
Tucson, AZ 85719